Mana Wahine - Femininity of the NOW

Mana Wahine
Powerful Divine Feminine
She stands as a warrior
She speaks as a sage
Her posture commands the universe
Her stature anchors consciousness
Lady of Liberty, she claims human excellence
Woman of dignity, she reins with humility
With the virtues of personal power, sovereignty and spiritual fulfillment
She reaps fruitful crops of good tiding and prosperous generations
The storm of night, she has knowledge of the ancestors
And intuition of leadership to mediate
Fairness, justice and equanimity she is taught from Mother Earth
Her robe is gold and silver, silky and warm with compassion and ingenuity
Her smooth and well combed long hair sways with the orange trees
Her honey round cheeks receive the grace of good fortune
Her big almond shaped eyes download the enchantress of higher dimensions
And her dancer’s body expands with kundalini birth
She is creative force, the primal intelligence and cosmic vibrato
That raises man and children to the stars down on Earth
And establishes humanitarian and environmental integrity
For the status of humanity to rise with the frequency of Earth
In the great sanctum of human liberation

The unfairness, aggression and attack from violators with suffering
She is strong with tolerance, resilience and composure
Of a thousand women
The greed, selfishness and lust of man-made defeat, inner enemy and lost soul
She holds the torch and hands it to the children
For they are the indifference that resets the ego and human soul
She teaches her children craftsmanship, discernment and intelligence
For the writing of future scrolls is in the emotional maturity of wise characters
The karma of the past and present demand attention and direction
Her deep satisfaction from talent and gift transmutes the death, haggard mind
Fragile and fatigue heart for transformation to empower the people of the land to
Speak corrective action for the warlike behavior to soothe with the proper identity
In all her pilgrimages across land, dimension, space/time continuum
She centers her hearth with gathered teachings, modalities and remedies
In the heart of the community for everyone to learn the human existence
In the soulful revolution